There is nothing quite like a Suitcase Junket concert. First, Matt Lorenz is a one-man band. Yup, just Matt – and he is amazing - truly something to behold with his junkyard instruments that do indeed make all the music you’d hear in a band. His voice is even more remarkable. If you’ve never heard polyphonic overtones – you can hear them here! PFM fans have asked if we’ve heard Suitcase Junket. Yes, we have – and we are delighted to bring him to Peterborough for the first time so you can hear, and see, him too.
The guy injects just as much energy, life and vibrancy into his songs as any multi-person act. He is a true force of nature, a feverous ball of positive energy and light. The slightly over-driven guitar, the heartbeat like thump of the bass (suitcase) drum, and Lorenz’s fantastic vocal, harmonious, gorgeous, with just the right amount of grit and honesty that grabs you and never lets go.
- Red Line Roots blog.